Chinese Medicinal Material Images Database Launched
Following the success of the Medicinal Plant Images Database (MPID), we are proud to present the first Hong Kong-developed, open access Chinese Medicinal Material Images Database (CMMID). The database, a collaborative effort of the HKBU School of Chinese Medicine and the University Library, documents over 420 crude drugs commonly used in Chinese Medicine practice. A simple search function facilitates quick access to records containing annotated, high quality photographs and detailed drug information.
The links, built between CMMID and MPID, enable students to easily connect the processed herb in CMMID with its original ecological plant in MPID. It greatly helps students to associate the knowledge acquired across two required subject courses Medicinal Botany and Authentication of Chinese Materia Medica. Beyond its role in supporting teaching & learning at HKBU, this open access database can also promote the popularization of Chinese Medicine knowledge.