Society of American Archivists, [2022]
Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1844-1900, author.
Broadview Press, [2023]
Black, Alison Harley.
University of Washington Press, c1989.
O'Daly, Gerard J. P.
University of California Press, 1987.
Lalli, Ludovico, 1992- author.
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, [2023]
Lalli, Ludovico, 1992- author.
Lambert Academic Publishing, [2022]
Cohen, Ronald Jay.
McGraw-Hill, c2013.
Compton, William C.
Wadsworth Cengage Learning, c2013.
Lomas, Tim, author.
Sage Publications, 2014.
Pearson, Althea, auhtor.
Wild Duck Productions, 2007.
Birsel, Ayse, author.
Ten Speed Press, [2015]
Mumaw, Stefan.
HOW Books, c2006.
De Bono, Edward, 1933-2021.
Penguin, 1998.
Mone, Edward M.
Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group, c2010.
Kottler, Jeffrey A.
Jossey-Bass Publishers, c1994.
Ivey, Allen E., author.
Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning, [2013]
Covey, Stephen R.
Free Press, 2005.
Cohen, David, 1946- author.
Routledge, 2019.
Thomas, Glyn V., 1946-
Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1990.
Raban-Bisby, Bridie, author.
Emerald Publishing Limited, 2020.
Dale, Joshua Paul, author.
Profile Books, 2023.
Carroll, Scott, author.
Chinese Bible International Ltd, 2017
Hickson, Florence, author.
publisher not identified, [2003].
Dick, Lois Hoadley, author.
Bethany House Publishers, [1987].
Hong Kong Franklin Graham Festival, 2007.
Pohly, Kenneth H., author.
WIPF & Stock, 2016.
Santamaria, Daniel A., author.
Neal-Schuman an imprint of the American Library Association, 2015.
Hewitt, Martin, 1962- author.
Oxford University Press, [2023]
Yang, Lei (Assistant professor of Chinese studies), 1985- author.
State University of New York Press, [2024]
Hall, Colin Michael, 1961-
Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2008.
Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing, 2003
Hafner, Mary Lynn, author.
Redleaf Press, 2018.
Martin, Jeffrey J., author.
Oxford University Press, [2018]
Saldaña, Johnny, author.
SAGE Publications, 2021.
Field, Andy P., author.
SAGE, [2024]
Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.
Adair, John Eric, 1934-
Kogan Page Ltd, 2013.
Mejias, Ulises Ali, author.
W H Allen, 2024.
Fang, Yongqing.
McGraw Hill, c2011.
Clawson, James G., author.
Pearson, [2014]
DuBrin, Andrew J., author.
Cengage, [2019]
Grout, Jeff.
Capstone, 2007.
Lareau, William.
ASQ Quality Press, c2003.
Information Age Pub, c2010.
Brockbank, Anne, 1943-
Kogan Page, 2012.
Harvard Business School Press, c2005.
Levit, Alexandra, 1976-
ASTD Press, c2008.
Buckley, Roger, 1938-
Kogan Page Limited, 2009.
Loftus, Janice, author.
John Wiley and Sons Australia Ltd, 2018.
Salzman, Stanley A., author.
Pearson, [2014]
Brieger, Nick, author.
Collins, 2011.
Foster, Timothy R. V.
Kogan Page, 2002.
May, Claire Arevalo.
Prentice Hall, c2012.
Solomon, Robert.
Dearborn Trade, c2003.
Ferris, Kerry, author.
WW Norton, [2020]
Cottrell, Robert C., 1950- author.
McFarland & Company Inc Publishers, [2023]
Porter, Louise, 1958-
Louise Porter, 1997.
Druckerman, Pamela.
Doubleday, 2012.
Guralnick, Michael J., author.
Paul H Brookes Publishing Co, [2019]
Murkoff, Heidi Eisenberg.
Workman Publishing, [2014]
Howard, Justine, author.
Routledge, 2017.
Lemish, Dafna, 1951- author.
Wiley Blackwell, 2015.
Hess, Kären M., 1939-
Delmar/Cengage Learning, [2012]
Iannone, N. F.
Pearson, c2014.
Burgess, Stacey.
Youthlight, c2009.
Vincent, Andrew, author.
Wiley Blackwell, 2024.
Dickovick, J. Tyler, 1973-2019, author.
Oxford University Press, [2023]
Gaudelli, William, author.
Routledge, 2016.
Herring, Jonathan, author.
Oxford University Press, [2023]
Harr, J. Scott.
Wadsworth/Cengage Learning, [2012]
City University of Hong Kong Press, [2023]
Arjunan, Krishnan, 1943-
LexisNexis, 2009.
Waller, Peter Louis.
LBC Information Services, 2000.
Armstrong, Thomas, author.
ASCD, [2018]
Smidt, Sandra, 1943- author.
Routledge, 2015.
Stefaniak, Jill E., 1984- author.
Routledge, 2024.
Martin, Andy, 1962-
Gower, c2004.
Fisher, Robert.
Stanley Thornes, 1995.
The Guilford Press, [2015]
NCEE National Center on Education and the Economy; Teachers College Press, [2018]
National Center on Education and the Economy; Teachers College Press, [2019]
Fisher, Julie, 1950- author.
Open University Press, 2016.
Follari, Lissanna M., author.
Pearson, [2019]
Verlag Barbara Budrich, 2019.
Brillante, Pamela, author.
Routledge, 2018.
Quinn, Julie.
A&C Black, 2009.
SAGE Publications Ltd, [2017]
Deans, Jan, author.
Routledge, 2018.
Dower, Ruth Churchill, author.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers, [2020]
Machado, Jeanne M., author.
Cengage Learning, [2016]
Otto, Beverly, author.
Pearson, [2018]
Open University Press, 2015.
The Guilford Press, [2019]
Byrnes, James P., author.
The Guilford Press, [2019]
Corbett, Pie, author.
Open University Press, 2016.
Holt, Bess-Gene.
National Association for the Education of Young Children, c1989.
Fisher, Robert, 1943-
Stanley Thornes, 1995, c1990.
Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2016.
Feeney, Stephanie author.
National Association for the Education of Young Children, [2018]
Rodd, Jillian.
Open University Press, 2013.
Ramsey, Patricia G., author.
Teachers College Press, [2015]
McBride, Catherine, author.
Routledge, 2016.
Mathieson, Kay, author.
Open University Press, 2015.
Moloney, Mary, author.
Routledge, 2018.
Atkinson, G. B. J.
Hodder and Stoughton, 1983.
Simms, Bryan R.
Schirmer Books, c1996.
Young, Susan, 1951- author.
Routledge an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, 2018.
Brown, James Murray, author.
Trinity College of Music, 1980, ©1967.
Cipriani, Alessandro, 1959- author.
ConTempoNet, 2020.
Cipriani, Alessandro, 1959- author.
Contemponet sas, 2023
Machlis, Joseph, 1906-1998.
WW Norton, c1990.
Académie libanaise des beaux-arts. Ecole des Arts Visuels, author.
Academie Libanaise des Beaux Arts Alba, [2018]
Dorling Kindersley, 2008.
University of Florida Press, [2023]
Tang Ying Chi, c2010.
Ruzaimi Mat Rani.
Page One Pub, 2012.
Poynor, Rick.
Laurence King, 2006.
Mesher, Lynne.
AVA Publishing SA, [2010]
L'École Asia Pacific, [2021]
Mauriès, Patrick, 1952- author.
Thames & Hudson Ltd, 2018.
Mauriès, Patrick, 1952- author.
Thames & Hudson, 2017
AllRights Reserved, 2010.
Hoff, Erika, 1951- author.
Wadsworth Cengage Learning, [2014]
Maley, Alan, 1937-
Macmillan Heinemann English Language Teaching, 2000.
Davis, Aeron, author.
Polity, 2013.
Lewis, Michael.
Thomson/Heinle, c2002.
Capel, Will, author.
Collins, 2012.
Robinson, Nick.
Cambridge University Press, 2010.
Allum, Virginia.
Cambridge University Press, 2010.
Ibbotson, Mark.
Cambridge University Press, 2008.
Azar, Betty Schrampfer, 1941-
Prentice Hall Regents, c1992.
Hogue, Ann.
Pearson Education/Longman, c2003.
Sword, Helen, author.
Princeton University Press, [2023]
Times Publishing (HK) Limited, 2013.
McCarthy, Michael, 1947-
Cambridge University Press, 2002
Cambridge University Press, 1998.
HarperCollins, 2003, c2002.
Pickering, Kenneth.
Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.
Neville, Colin, author.
Open University Press, 2016.
Carroll, Brian, 1965- author.
Routledge, 2023.
The Criterion Collection, [2024]
The Criterion Collection, [2024]
The Criterion Collection, [2024]
Shmiher, Taras, author.
Ministry of Eduction and Science of Ukraine Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2021
Farmer, David, 1955- author
CreateSpace, [2012]
Perlman, Alan M., 1943-
Allyn and Bacon, c1998.
Wolff, Michael, 1953- author.
Henry Holt and Company, 2023.
Adams, Scott, 1957- author, artist.
Andrews and McMeel, [1996]
Browne, M. Neil, 1944-
Prentice Hall, c2010.
Pan, Jun (Professor of translation studies), author.
CP Cambridge, [2023]
Chan, Jessamine, author.
Simon & Schuster, 2022.
Vickroy, Laurie, 1954-
University of Virginia Press, 2002.
Derby, Caroline Rosina, author.
Kessinger, [2010?]
Mollick, Ethan, 1975- author.
WH Allen, 2024.
Winter, Colin H., author.
OPL Press, 2003.
Silverthorn, Dee Unglaub, 1948- author.
Pearson, [2016]
Tymoczko, John L., 1948- author.
WH Freeman & Company a Macmillan Education imprint, [2015]
Oxford University Press, 2009.
Matthews, Janice R., 1943-
Cambridge University Press, 2000.
Mak, Mui Hing June.
Whiting & Birch Ltd, 2010, c2007.
Ogden, Jane, 1966-
Open University Press/McGraw-Hill Education, 2007.
Cockerham, William C.
Pearson Education South Asai Ptd Ltd, 2013
Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, c2013.
Baum, Frances.
Oxford University Press, 2002.
Rubin, Judith Aron.
Routledge, c2010.
O'Brien, Carolyn.
Chapman & Hall, c1995.
John Wiley & Sons, c2010.
Kottman, Terry, author.
American Counseling Association, [2016]
Cox, Brigitte, author.
Australian Instiute of Food Science and Technology Inc, [2008]
Hicks, Roger (Roger William)
Page One, 2007.
Adnum, Heidi.
Page One, 2012.
Watson, Gregory H.
Goal/QPC, c2004.
Newman, Renée, 1948-
International Jewelry Publications, [2007]
Newman, Renée, 1948-
International Jewelry Publications, 2003.
Commonwealth of Australia.
John Wiley & Sons Australia Ltd, 2002.
Patterson, James, 1947- author.
Century, 2024.
Copper, Cathryn M., 1984- author.
ALA Editions, 2024.
Martin, Victoria, author.
Libraries Unlimited, [2022]
D'Oro, Giuseppina, 1964- author.
Bloomsbury Academic, 2024.
Kaye, Lawrence J., author.
Lexington Books, [2024]
Kelly, Daniel Patrick, author.
Lexington Books, [2024]
Schafer, Karl (Philosophy teacher), author.
Oxford University Press, [2023].
Segala, Marco, author.
Oxford University Press, [2024]
Zuidervaart, Lambert, author.
State University of New York Press, [2024]
Rowman and Littlefield, [2023]
Martin, Christopher, 1976- author.
Lexington Books, [2024]
Coetzee, P. H. 1949- author. (Pieter Hendrik),
Lexington Books, [2024]
Fast, Jina, author.
Rowman and Littlefield, [2024]
Ackerman, Bruce A., author.
Yale University Press, [2024]
Marchesini, Roberto, 1959- author.
Lexington Books, [2024]
Pradhan, Ramesh Chandra, author
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2024.
Oxford University Press, [2023]
Walker, Mark, editor.
Lexington Books, [2024]
Chen, Lai, 1952- author.
Bridge21 Publications, [2020]
Berger, Benjamin (Professor of philosophy), author.
Routledge, 2024.
Montell, Amanda, author.
One Signal Publishers/Atria, 2024.
McLean, Kate C., author.
Oxford University Press, [2024]
Sharot, Tali, author.
One Signal Publishers Atria, 2024.
Röhner, Jessica, 1984- author.
Springer, [2023]
Dougherty, Terri, author.
ReferencePoint Press, [2024]
Schuldenfrei, Robin, author.
Princeton University Press, [2024]
Polizzotti, Mark, author.
Yale University Press, [2024]
Wemyss-Gorman, Jean, compiler.
Grosvenor House Publishing, [2021].
Samuel, Raphael, author.
Verso, 2024.
Hislop, Malcolm, author.
Pen and Sword History, 2024.
Drozdiak, William, author.
PublicAffairs, 2020.
Lawrence, Christopher A., author.
Frontline Books an imprint of Pen and Sword Books Limited, 2023.
Bakhle, Janaki, author.
Princeton University Press, [2024]
Michaels, Axel, author.
Oxford University Press, [2024].
Lee, Sangmi, 1982- author.
University of Illinois Press, [2024]
Lampton, David M., author.
Rowman and Littlefield, [2024]
Hinsch, Bret, author.
Rowman and Littlefield, [2024]
Seth, Michael J., 1948- author.
Roman and Littlefield, [2024]
Borchardt, Klaus-Dieter, author.
Publications Office of the European Union, 2023.
Aldern, Clayton Page, 1990- author.
Dutton, [2024]
Cambridge University Press, 2024.
Atkins, Larry, 1961- author.
McFarland and Company, [2024]
Parry, John, 1948- author.
Rowman and Littlefield, [2024]
Edward Elgar Publishing, [2024]
Dodge, Yadolah, 1944- author.
Springer, [2008]
Allawi, Ali A., 1947- author.
Yale University Press, [2024]
Maguire, Stuart, 1951- author.
Emerald Publishing Limited, 2024.
Ritchie, Hannah, 1993- author.
Little Brown Spark, 2024.
Bal, Meghna, author
Routledge, 2022.
Shayler, Mark, author.
Kogan Page Limited, 2023.
Heide, Mats, author.
Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2019.
Cvenkel, Nicole, author.
Springer, [2020]
Ibarra, Herminia, 1961- author.
Harvard Business Review Press, [2023]
Lazu, Malia C., author.
The MIT Press, [2024]
Armstrong, Mary A., author.
The MIT Press, [2024]
Geffner, Carol J., author.
The MIT Press, [2023]
Lin, Jian, author
New York University Press, 2023.
Ingleson, Elizabeth O'Brien, 1989- author.
Harvard University Press, 2024.
Kokot-Blamey, Patrizia, author.
Oxford University Press, [2023]
Edward Elgar Publishing, [2024]
Thompson, Simon, author
Kogan Page, 2023.
World Scientific Publishing Company Pte Limited, [2022]
Zhang, Wenting, author.
Springer, [2024]
Chayka, Kyle, author.
Doubleday, [2024]
Scott, Peter Dale, author.
Rowman and Littlefield, [2024]
Stebbins, Leslie F., 1958- author.
Rowman and Littlefield, [2023]
Harding, Verity, 1984- author.
Princeton University Press, [2024]
Nichols, Thomas M., 1960- author.
Oxford University Press, [2024]
Wagner, Kurt (Journalist), author.
Atria Books, 2024.
Information Science Reference, [2020]
Roseland, Mark, author.
New Society Publishers, [2024]
Cowell, Christopher, author
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2024]
Nadasen, Premilla, author.
Haymarket Books, 2023.
Coulter, Kendra, 1979- author.
The MIT Press, [2023]
Zhang, Chi, author
Palgrave Macmillan, [2022]
Lezra, Jacques, 1960- author.
Fordham University Press, [2024]
Cambridge University Press, 2024.
Stonebridge, Lyndsey, 1965- author.
Hogarth, [2024]
Palgrave Macmillan, [2024]
Edward Elgar Publishing, [2024]
Denton, Robert E., Jr., author.
Rowman and Littlefield, [2024]
Proctor, Hannah, author.
Verso, 2024.
Davis, Michael C., 1949- author.
Association for Asian Studies, [2024]
Chapman, Jessica M. 1977- author. (Jessica Miranda),
University Press of Kentucky, [2023]
Palgrave Macmillan, [2023]
Information Age Publishing Inc, [2024]
Mahapatra, Debidatta Aurobinda, author.
Syracuse University Press, 2023.
Cambridge University Press, 2024.
Gallagher, Steven Brian, author.
Springer, [2021]
Miller, Matt, author.
Dave Burgess Consulting, [2023]
Piercey, Donnie, author.
Shell Education, [2024]
MacDonald, Elisa B., author.
Corwin, [2023]
Sousa, David A., author.
Corwin, [2024]
Brunton, Pat, author
SAGE, [2010]
Ryder, John, 1951- author.
Rowman and Littlefield, [2022]
Bernard-Donals, Michael F., author.
The Ohio State University Press, [2023]
Gasman, Marybeth, author.
Princeton University Press, 2022.
Information Science Reference, [2024]
Kennedy, Eileen author.
Bloomsbury Academic, 2023
Dagostino, Lorraine, 1947- author.
Rowman and Littlefield, [2024]
Batalea Publishers, 2024.
Hong Kong Baptist University, [2024]-
Franseen, Kristin M., author.
Clemson University Press, 2023.
Wallmark, Zachary, 1981- author.
Oxford University Press, [2022]
Young, Susan, 1951- author.
Routledge an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, 2018.
National Palace Museum, 1966-
Palgrave Macmillan, [2017]
Bobrowska, Olga, author
CRC Press, 2024.
Rudd, Anthony, author.
Oxford University Press, [2022]
Bol, Marjolijn, author.
University of Chicago Press, 2023.
Charney, Noah, author.
Rowman and Littlefield, [2024]
Spieker, Sven, author.
The MIT Press, [2024]
Saul, Jennifer Mather, 1968- author.
Oxford University Press, [2024]
Michigan State University, [2023]
Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. Media Ethics Division, author.
Rowman and Littlefield, [2024]
Enfield, N. J., 1966- author.
The MIT Press, [2022]
Bloomsbury Academic, 2024.
Lewis, Angela, Ph. D., author.
Routledge, 2023.
Cambridge University Press, 2024.
Verma, Neil, author.
University of Michigan Press, 2024.
Trillin, Calvin, author.
Random House, [2024]
Palgrave Macmillan, [2020]
Information Science Reference, [2020]
Bloomsbury Academic, 2024.
Steffens, Bradley, 1955- author.
ReferencePoint Press, [2024]
Abrams, Barbara Lise, author.
Routledge, 2024.
Calder, Robert, 1941- author.
The University of Wisconsin Press, [2024]
Wojtas, Pawel, 1984- author.
Edinburgh University Press, [2024]
Sutter, Paul M., 1982- author.
Rowman and Littlefield, [2024]
Felder, Richard M., 1939- author.
John Wiley & Sons Inc, [2024]
Simons, Josh, author.
Princeton University Press, [2023]
Zhong, Ning, 1956- author.
Springer, 2004.
Fagan, Peter (Writer on computer security), author.
CRC Press, 2024.
Whelan, Colm T., author.
Morgan and Claypool Publishers, 2020.
Boyle, Rebecca author. (Rebecca B.),
Random House, [2024]
Roberts, Jason (President of Panmedia Corporation), author.
Random House, [2024]
Kleinbaum, David G., author.
Springer, [2002]
Chen, Nuoya, author.
CRC Press, 2024
Wits University Press, 2013.
Liu, Ang, author.
Springer, [2022]
Eklöf, Johan, author.
Scribner, 2023.
Forlano, Laura, 1973- author.
The MIT Press, [2024]
Soraj Hongladarom, 1962- author.
Lexington Books an imprint of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group Inc, [2020]
Goel, Malti, author.
Springer, [2022]
Jamison, Andrea, author.
Rowman and Littlefield, [2024]
Nardo, Don, 1947- author.
ReferencePoint Press, [2024]
Hendricks, Vincent F., author.
Springer, [2022]
Weiss, Andrew, 1971- author.
Rowman and Littlefield, [2020]