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Filed under: Services

31 Jan 2020

The Library highlights the following eLearning support services that will be of particular value during the suspension of face-to-face teaching:

  • Library support for Moodle: Disseminating course-relevant e-resources to students while remaining compliant with copyright law requires some care. The Library recommends linking to our subscribed databases rather than uploading PDFs directly to Moodle. Our Library Toolkit in Moodle helps to facilitate this. A short guide is available here: are also more than happy to set up access to e-resources on your behalf. Simply contact your liaison librarian and arrange to give them Teaching Assistant access to your Moodle course:
  • Library Subject Guides: We have recently finished compiling guides tailored to all subjects taught at the University. Direct your students to these guides so that they can discover the discipline-specific e-resources available to them via the Library’s subscriptions. Links to these can be added to the Moodle Library Toolkit, and a full list is available here:
  • Asynchronous Library Video Tutorials: HKBU librarians are experienced in producing short video tutorials, and can create customized content for your courses. We find that such offerings are best paired with a short online quiz that is worth a token percentage of the course grade (e.g. 3-5%) to encourage student engagement.

    Here is an example of the type of tutorial that librarians can produce for your courses:

Other ideas for how the Library can support faculty eLearning initiatives are most welcome. Please feel free to contact Mr. Chris Chan (Head of Information Services) directly at