Filed under: Services
31 Jan 2020
The information in this announcement has been superseded.
Please check our latest announcement for up to date Library service arrangements.
Following the President’s announcement that face-to-face classes will be further suspended until 2 March 2020, the Library’s special arrangements have been updated as follows:
1. Lending Services
Waiving of overdue fines
No overdue fines will be charged for materials with an original due date between 29 Jan and 3 Mar (inclusive). Please return borrowed items within 3 calendar days after face-to-face classes resume on campus. This applies to all library materials, including HKBU, HKALL, and course readings material.
Pickup due date for reserved materials:
All items currently on hold for pickup will be retained until 15 March 2020.
2. Research Help
During the period of Library closure and face-to-face class suspension, all users may still request research help via our online channels:
Response times will be in line with our normal service pledge (i.e. initial response within 24 hours, except on Friday evenings and weekends).
For in-depth research questions, you may request an online research consultation with a professional librarian.