「海外華僑華人剪報數據庫」是由香港浸會大學圖書館建立,旨在為公眾及研究人員免費提供有關海外華僑華人研究的報刊資料。 數據庫的重點在收錄中華人民共和國及台灣地區有關僑務政策的報導,大致可劃分為僑務機構的工作,僑匯,吸引僑資,僑鄉情況, 接待華僑回國觀光,安置歸僑及國內提供的華僑教育等。此批僑務政策的剪報,只屬二十萬份友聯研究所蒐集的海外華僑華人剪報中的一部份。 剪報取材以 1950 至 1971 年出版的中港台報章為主,兼及東南亞等 17 個國家的報刊,約共 230 種中文報章及 40 種中文期刊。
此數據庫屬於一個索引的數據庫,讀者可利用剪報的專題分類、標題、作者、刊名、報刊出版地及出版日期作檢索。檢索方法分 關鍵詞檢索和高級檢索兩種。讀者選擇剪報紀錄後,便可到文獻及特藏組借閱。僑務政策的剪報資料約有 33,700 筆,現已全數存入數據庫, 歡迎隨時查閱。
The Overseas Chinese Clippings Database is an effort by the Hong Kong Baptist University Library to digitize some of its newspaper and periodical clippings on Overseas Chinese and that was originally collected by the Union Research Institute. The estimated 200,000 clippings were taken from approximately 230 Chinese language newspapers and 40 periodicals, published in 17 countries or regions, from 1950 through 1971.
The approximately 33,700 clippings, selected for this project, focus on the Chinese and Taiwanese governments’ policies on Overseas Chinese and cover six main topics: government agencies dealing with Overseas Chinese, foreign remittance and investments, Overseas Chinese villages, reception and settlement of returned expatriates, Overseas Chinese education, Overseas Chinese tours and visits.
There are basic and advanced methods to search this database. Users can search the clippings by topics, headlines, authors, newspaper or periodical titles, and/or place and date of publication. After identifying records of interest, users can retrieve the actual clippings at the Special Collections and Archives.
Click here for external links to research centres engaged in study of overseas Chinese
Last updated: 12 August 2019