05 Mar 2021, 2:30-3:30 pm
Online via Zoom
Note: This event will be conducted in Putonghua
註: 此活動以普通話進行
Facilitator: Ms. Linda Ku (Airiti)
華藝線上圖書館: http://www.airitilibrary.com.lib-ezproxy.hkbu.edu.hk/
Grand Prize Draw
For a chance to win an Apple Watch, iPad, and other special prizes, you can enter the E-Resources Discovery Week prize draw by completing the following activities:
1. Attending any of the E-resources Discovery Week 2021 workshops (1 lucky draw chance for each workshop)
2. Complete the post-event Online Quiz with a passing mark (3 lucky draw chances)
The more activities you complete, the more chances you have to win the Grand Prize!
An e-certificate of attendance will be presented to the participant who attends an online session.
For more information, please visit the LibGuide of E-resources Discovery Week @ HKBU Library 2021: https://hkbu.libguides.com/discoveryweek2021/