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EndNote Workshop: Search, Organize and Cite – Online session

18 Oct 2023, 2:30-4:20 pm

Online via Zoom

EndNote Workshop: Search, Organize and Cite

One major challenge when writing your assignments at university is keeping track of all the sources that you have used and citing them correctly. EndNote is a leading reference management software that helps you organize your research and makes citing sources much easier. HKBU Library provides students with free access to this software. This introductory session will get you set up and show you the basics. Topics to be covered:

  1. Search and import references from OneSearch, library subscribed databases, and Google Scholar.
  2. Organize references in your EndNote Library.
  3. Insert citations and create bibliographies.


More about EndNote:


Instructor: Ms. May Wong (Information Services Librarian)

Before joining the online session, it is important that to setup an HKBU Zoom account.

You should do this even if you have used Zoom before with a different account. For logistical and security reasons, you will NOT be able to join the session with a non-HKBU Zoom account.

To setup your HKBU Zoom account, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to and click the “Sign in” button:
  2. Sign in with your HKBU SSOid, and your HKBU Zoom account will be created.