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From Napoleon to De Gaulle – Treasures from the Consul General of France


24 Nov - 6 Dec 2020


” France cannot do without great men or great heroes

any more than it can do without a strong state.

Great men and heroes represent unity that cannot be found elsewhere. “

Patrice Gueniffey, Napoleon & de Gaulle: Heroes and History

translated by Steven Rendall

Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) and Charles de Gaulle (1890-1970) are two national figures that the French admire most in the history of their nation.

Hailed as saviors, a label they eagerly embraced, both became transformative leaders at times of crisis and war. Animated by quests for personal and national greatness, they both united an embattled nation, raised the country above itself, returned it to dignity and led it on a mission to enlighten the world. They also both left a permanent political legacy — in Napoleon’s case, a form of administration and a body of civil law; in de Gaulle’s case, new political institutions.

2019 marked the 250th anniversary of Napoleon’s birth, while 2020 celebrates a triple anniversary for General de Gaulle: his birth and death in November and the Appeal of June 18, 1940.

On this occasion, the European Studies (French) programme and the course POLS2205 European Politics and Society: French Political and Government System are glad to have this books and objects exhibit, supported by HKBU Library and the Pilot Project “1, 2, 3, Prêts! Partez! Internationalisation at Home for a Successful Year Abroad from the Community of Practice – Internationalisation of Teaching and Learning.

Dr. Emile Tran

Assistant professor

Department of Government and International Studies