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How WiseSearch can help you in the Data-Flooded world

24 Jan 2022, 3:30-4:30 pm

Online via Zoom

How WiseSearch can help you in the Data-Flooded world

Nowadays, data is one of the major assets for everyone Data can analyze and surveillance your activities, behavior and preference. Data can predict the trend in the market or society. Data can be used as evidence or argument for your research project. Data is enormous and produced anywhere, anytime. But, how can we easily grasp the target data we want? In the training, Wisers Speaker will guide users to use our search engine practically. We will show different ways to enhance the accuracy of using our platform to reach our target data.

Facilitator: Johnny Lo (WisersOne)


For more information, please visit the LibGuide of E-resources Discovery Week @ HKBU Library 2022: