04 Mar 2021, 10:30-11:30 am
Online via Zoom
Making the most out of your Wiley journals!
How to access Wiley journals
What are the resources available?
How can journals help me with my goals?
How to run a search, basic and advanced
How to set up content alerts
How to submit your manuscript to a journal
How to cite, share and download content
Facilitator: Ms. Alejandra Barciela (Wiley)
Wiley Online Library: https://onlinelibrary-wiley-com.lib-ezproxy.hkbu.edu.hk/
Grand Prize Draw
For a chance to win an Apple Watch, iPad, and other special prizes, you can enter the E-Resources Discovery Week prize draw by completing the following activities:
1. Attending any of the E-resources Discovery Week 2021 workshops (1 lucky draw chance for each workshop)
2. Complete the post-event Online Quiz with a passing mark (3 lucky draw chances)
The more activities you complete, the more chances you have to win the Grand Prize!
An e-certificate of attendance will be presented to the participant who attends an online session.
For more information, please visit the LibGuide of E-resources Discovery Week @ HKBU Library 2021: https://hkbu.libguides.com/discoveryweek2021/