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Transition and Violence Book Exhibition and CCL Talk

Transition and Violence Book Exhibition

5 – 31 Oct, 2022


Transition and Violence Book Exhibition

5 – 31 October, Level 3, Au Shue Hung Memorial Library

This exhibition looks at how African literature encompasses colonial, despotic, racial, and patriarchal violence as well as writers’ personal stories of transition. Focusing on anglophone African literary texts on “Transition and Violence,” it provides carefully selected books from various parts of the continent and the diaspora. Specifically, the exhibition invites students to engage with African literature despite their academic backgrounds. Each book comes with a brief summary that makes them more accessible to students of various interests. The exhibition also includes a banner on the general landscape of African literature that helps students contextualise the discussion.

CCL Talk: “African Literature in HK: a conversation”

21 October, 4:00pm – 5:30pm, Level 3,  Au Shue Hung Memorial Library

Innocent Mutanga (Founder & CEO of Africa Center Hong Kong) and Daniela Alam (Educator, Author, Creator, & Host of the Podcast Series, Africa’s Lit) will have a dialogue on “African Literature in HK.” They will discuss:

  • The general landscape of African literature in HK – why here and now?
  • Forms and formats employed to introduce African literature in HK
  • Challenges encountered in populating African literature in HK
  • Significance/relevance of discussing African literature in HK

The guests will also share their unique perspectives by showcasing some of the work they have done. Emily Chow-Quesada (Assistant Professor, Department of English Language and Literature) will modulate the discussion. By the end of the seminar, participants of various academic and research backgrounds would have a better understanding of African literature.