Filed under: E-resources, New E-resources
26 Aug 2022
New e-Resources
The Library continuously updates its wide-ranging collection of e-resources with new additions. Below is a summary of new e-resources added in 2021/22:
Drama Online A high-quality online research tool for drama and literature scholars combines playtext content and scholarly publications with filmed live performances, film adaptations, and audio plays. |
Hongkong News Online The Hongkong News began publication immediately after the fall of Hong Kong in December 1941 and continued right up to liberation in August 1945. This complete run of the newspaper as published during the occupation provides scholars with the Japanese perspective of local and global events in this period. |
nkoda This digital music score application provides access to millions of pages of scores from the world’s leading publishers, including Bärenreiter, Boosey & Hawkes, Breitkopf & Härtel, Faber and Casa Ricordi. Users can browse, download and mark up the scores. From solo piano scores to orchestral hire materials, all content can be accessed on your phone, tablet, or desktop. |
Sustainable Development Goals Online This is a curated interdisciplinary collection of digital content mapped to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The collection includes more than 12,000 of the most important and relevant book chapters and journal articles, published under the Routledge and CRC Press imprints, in an online library covering all 17 SDGs. |
九十年代 (The Nineties) 1970-1998年間華文圈最具影響力的自由論壇。 |
大陸雜誌 (The Continent Magazine) 中研院院士群朱家驊、董作實、李濟、郭廷以、凌純聲等創刊於1950年,直至2002年休刊,總共52年,867期,收錄了逾半世紀當代重要國學名師的學術脈絡與時代議題,是國際漢學圈極為推崇的重量級學刊。 |
民主評論 (Democratic Review) 創刊於1949年6月,由徐復觀在香港創辦的反極權主義刊物,曾得到蔣中正的經費支持。 |
當代雜誌 (Contemporary Monthly) 政治與經濟刊物。本刊就華北的經濟、中國金融、中國災荒等問題加以論述,要國民清醒地認識到華北的重要,不收復東北失地,華北隨時有丟掉的可能,還對整個中國問題、經濟問題、國際問題發表研究文章。 |
文星雜誌 (Wenxing Magazine) 創刊於1957年,領域涵蓋當代文學、藝術、科學、哲學、政治人物,介紹新思潮、批判舊傳統、打倒偶像、標榜理性自由、民主法制。 |
Cancelled e-Resources
As a responsible steward of the University’s funds, the Library closely monitors the usage of subscription resources. Reference is also made to changes in HKBU’s research areas, as well as evolving learning and teaching needs. Subscriptions that no longer provide sufficient value may be discontinued.
The following e-resources were cancelled in 2021/22:
ccAdvisor |
Cabell’s |
PressReader |
Tezuka Osamu Manga Digital Library |
中國⽣物醫學文獻數據庫 (cbm web version) |