In summary
Priority 1 – Reduce the size of the physical collection and increase investment in digital information resources
Priority 2 – Lead the development of an open access culture and raise the visibility of HKBU research output
Priority 3 – Upgrade spaces and services with state-of-the-art and emerging technologies
Priority 4 – Transform user education to align with the latest trends in effective university learning and teaching
Priority 1
Reduce the size of the physical collection and increase investment in digital information resources
Using a data-driven approach, carefully reduce the number of physical items located in the Main Library (currently 800,000) in order to free space for learning and research purposes. Items removed will be placed in storage, donated to other libraries, or (as a last resort) discarded.
Please click here for more details about the Library’s approach to collection rightsizing.
- KPI: Remove 250,000 physical items from the collection by June 2025.
Holistically and strategically develop the Library’s electronic resource collection to meet the evolving needs of the HKBU community.
- KPI 1: Usage of e-resources.
- KPI 2: Community satisfaction with e-resources provided.
Accelerate digitization of unique rare local collections and University publications for preservation and to enable 24×7 access to encourage their use for research.
- KPI 1: No. of digital objects created/delivered.
- KPI 2: Usage of digital project databases (pageviews).
Priority 2
Lead the development of an open access culture and raise the visibility of HKBU research output
Lead HKBU’s response to the Research Grants Council’s Open Access Plan through coordination with the RGC as well as HKBU’s Office of Institutional Research and Planning and Research Office; plan the corresponding university-wide actions and keep academics informed about these actions.
- KPI: Open access compliance rate (i.e. percentage of faculty publications that are published open access based on IRIMS data).
Proactively negotiate agreements with publishers that allow HKBU researchers to publish their work open access with article processing charges either reduced or waived completely.
- KPI: No. of publications made open access under publisher agreements.
Continue Digital Scholarship programmes and expand and improve existing projects with new related HKBU research output.
- KPI 1: No. of projects.
- KPI 2: Usage of projects (pageviews).
Priority 3
Upgrade spaces and services with state-of-the-art and emerging technologies.
Begin implementation of self-check enabling technology (RFID) and Library of Congress reclassification for the remaining physical collection in the Main Library and branch libraries.
- KPI 1: No. of items tagged with RFID.
- KPI 2: No. of items reclassified.
Renovation/major equipment projects focused on the provision of additional learning and study spaces for the use of the University community.
Please click here for more details about the Library’s space enhancement projects.
- KPI 1: Community satisfaction with new spaces provided.
- KPI 2: Usage of new facilities.
Priority 4
Transform user education to align with the latest trends in effective university learning and teaching
Production/acquisition + promotion of digital learning objects (self-learning resources) to equip students with the skills they need to succeed in the changing, inter-disciplinary curriculums at HKBU, including research skills, data crawling, data analysis, data visualization, data and media literacy, copyright, etc.
- KPI 1: Number of digital learning objects.
- KPI 2: Usage of digital learning objects.
Support the new transdisciplinary undergraduate programmes being launched by the University by:
- Developing critical information literacy of students.
- KPI 1: Student satisfaction with information literacy programming.
- Providing physical and virtual platforms to showcase their work.
- KPI 2: No. of student works showcased.
Proactively support the effective adoption of AI tools in teaching and learning.
- Providing access to and support for the usage of AI-powered research tools.
- KPI 1: Number and usage of AI-powered research tools.
- Prepare, organise, and deliver workshops on the effective use of AI tools, with a focus on information search and research management.
- KPI 2: Number of relevant workshops delivered.
Last updated: 25 October 2024