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New E-resources: CCJD 中國學術輯刊全文數據庫: 哲學與人文科學 China Monographic Series

Filed under: Collections, New E-resources

31 Aug 2023

New E-resources

CCJD中國學術輯刊全文數據庫: 哲學與人文科學 China Monographic

圖書館增訂了中國學術輯刊全文數據庫中的 「哲學與人文科學」專輯。請按照圖片指示瀏覽試用中的學科專輯。

The Library now subscribes to the “Philosophy and Humanities ” subset of the CCJD Database. Follow the instructions in the screenshots below to access the series.

CCJD Series F

CCJD Series F