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Updated: Special Library arrangements during face-to-face class suspension (Superseded)

Filed under: Services

06 Mar 2020

The information in this announcement has been superseded.
Please check our latest announcement for up to date Library service arrangements.

Following the President’s announcement that face-to-face classes will be suspended until further notice, the Library’s special arrangements have been updated as follows:

1. Lending Services

Limited counter services

The User Service Counter at the Main Library and both branch libraries will open with reduced service hours (currently Mon-Fri 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.). Duty staff will not be stationed at the counter itself – please press the call button for service.

A self-checkout service is provided at the Main Library. In order to reduce social contact as far as possible, patrons are encouraged to use the self-checkout service even when counter service is available.

Service availability

Most core services are available during the limited counter service hours, with the following exceptions:

  • Book paging requests for off-site storage items cannot be fulfilled
  • Laptops are not available for loan

Course Readings

Physical course readings may be borrowed from the User Services Counter during the limited service hours. However, regardless of the original loan policy for the course reading, the return time will be standardized to 5:00 p.m. on the day that the item was borrowed.

Delays in service delivery

Please note that delays are expected for new library card applications, hold requests, and the delivery of Interlibrary Loan items due to the current work arrangements. We apologise for the inconvenience caused.

Waiving of overdue fines

No overdue fines will be charged for all materials due on or after 25 Jan 2020 until further notice. Please return borrowed items within 3 calendar days after face-to-face classes resume on campus. This applies to all library materials, including HKBU, HKALL, and course readings material.

Pickup due date for reserved materials:

Reserved materials will be held until further notice.

2. Research Help

In response to the extended suspension of face-to-face classes, the Library has set up a Virtual Information Desk via Zoom, through which all patrons can get immediate research assistance from the librarian on duty. Service hours are Mon-Fri 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

On-call in-person research assistance is also available at the Main Library Information Desk. Service hours are Mon-Fri 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

You can also request research help via our other established online channels:

Response times will be in line with our normal service pledge (i.e. initial response within 24 hours, except on Friday evenings and weekends).

For in-depth research questions, you may request an online research consultation with a professional librarian.