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HKBU teaching faculty and administrative-equivalent staff, UGC funded degree/non-degree postgraduates, and non-UGC funded degree postgraduates are eligible to apply online for a JULAC Library Card that allows access to other UGC libraries and the borrowing of items from their circulating collections.


JULAC Library Cards issued to postgraduate students expire on the expected date of completion of their course of study. The date of expiry of cards issued to staff varies. You can find the expiry date printed on your JULAC Library Card.


The JULAC Library Card is provided free of charge to eligible users.

Renewal and Replacement

Requests to replace lost cards or to renew cards should be made in person at the User Services Counter of the Main Library. A replacement fee of HK$50 will be charged in cases where the card has been lost.

Loan Quota / Period

The loan quota and period afforded to JULAC Library Card holders varies according to the policies of the individual libraries.


HKBU JULAC Library Card holders should return their borrowed items directly to the UGC library from which they were borrowed.

The HKBU Main Library User Services Counter will also accept items borrowed from other UGC libraries two or more working days before the due date and send them to their home library for return. However, the Library cannot guarantee their timely/safe arrival, and the borrower shall be responsible for any overdue fines and/or book replacement charges resulting from late return or damaged/lost items according to the regulations of the lending library.

Last updated: 04 November 2024