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Faculty can request a Library workshop using this form. We suggest that you accompany your class to the Library for the instructional session, as students are usually more motivated and engaged when their instructor participates. 

Please make your request at least two weeks in advance. We will contact you as soon as possible to confirm the details. 

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

Session Particulars

Staff Particulars

Topics to Be Covered (Check up to three**)

HKBU Librarians align their instruction with the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education. Below are some suggested topics based on the Framework that librarians can cover in the workshop.

This list is NOT exhaustive: Your liaison librarian will be happy to address any topic related to information literacy and research.

**PLEASE NOTE: In a typical fifty-minute workshop we can cover no more than three different topics. Should you wish to cover more topics, please contact your liaison librarian to explore how to best meet the learning needs of your students.

Please describe the assignment(s) in the course that require students to find, use, or evaluate information. We will connect the content of the workshop to student assignments. Please also include the due date for the assignment(s).

Please read the Privacy Policy Statement before using the above form to submit your personal data online.

Last updated: 06 August 2019