- Selected articles from <基督教在華發展史文獻部十週年紀念特刊(1996-2006)> Special issue for the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Archive on the History of Christianity in China (1996-2006). Printed copy available at Library, call no. [LC] Z846.H85 H66 2006 AHC.
- Bibliography of postgraduate dissertations on the history of Christianity in China submitted to universities and seminaries in: China , Hong Kong , Taiwan
- 李金強 : <香港浸會大學的中國基督教史研究> (2002)
Revision of a conference paper that Dr. Lee Kam Keung presented at the Symposium on “Christian Studies and University”, Hong Kong Baptist University, December 19-21, 2001. - 李金強 : <第三屆近代中國基督教史研討會紀要-香港基督教史的研究> (2003)
- 李金強 : <香港浸會大學舉行的「第四屆近代中國基督教史研討會」誌記> (2005)
- Journal of the History of Christianity in Modern China 近代中國基督教史研究集刊
Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University began publishing this journal in 1998. - Chan, K.S. Kylie
The Archives on the History of Christianity in China at Hong Kong Baptist University Library: Its Development, Significance, and Future
The International Bulletin of Missionary Research, 2005 (vol. 29, no.1): 32-34. - 中國新方誌中的基督宗教資料
- Useful links to websites related to the study of Christianity, missionary and church
- How to set up church archives (Handouts)
In February 2000, HKBU Library invited Mr. Paul A. Ericksen, Associate Director of Billy Graham Center Archives, Wheaton College, to host a one-day archives management workshop. This workshop was sponsored by Hong Kong Chinese Christian Churches Union. Included here are the guidelines and handouts used at the workshop. For the full text of the presentation, please click Preserving Your Church Archives: Workshop 2000. - Sources of help and advice for your church or synagogue archives
Included is a list of useful resources including bibliography and websites, etc. prepared by Billy Graham Center Archives for those involved in preserving their congregation’s history. - Online training materials
Yale Divinity School Library provides useful online training materials for archives management. Both Chinese & English versions of The Rescuing the Memory of Our Peoples Archives Manual compiled by Martha Lund Smalley and Rosemary Seton are available.
Last updated: 05 November 2024