第十期 Volume X, 2014/2015 | ||
目 錄 Contents | ||
專題論文 Articles | ||
永遠枷號——清代刑部相關文獻所見禁制天主教下的中國信徒實況 Locking in Cangue Forever: The Struggles of Chinese Catholics under the Prohibition of Christianity in the Light of Documents Related to the Ministry of Punishment of the Qing Period | 譚家齊 Tam Ka-chai | 1 |
抗戰前期的中國基督教學生運動 The Chinese Christian Student Movement during the Early Period of the Second Sino-Japanese War | 張麗霞 Zhang Lixia | 16 |
Reverend Ira Tracy (1806-1875): A Biographical Sketch 帝禮士牧師(1806-1875)傳略 | David K Y Chng 莊欽永 | 29 |
研究史 Literature Review | ||
青年會在華歷史研究範式探析 | 王小蕾 | 64 |
Studies on the Research Paradigm of the Chinese YMCA | Wang Xiaolei | |
福建基督教史的一段往事 | 林金水 | 75 |
Recalling the History of Christianity in Fujian | Lin Jin-shui | |
研究札記 Research Notes | ||
十字架上的黨徽:蔣介石的基督教護教反共論述 | 曾慶豹 | 85 |
The Party Emblem on the Cross: A Study of Chiang Kai-shek’s Christian apologetics and anti-communism | Chin Ken-Pa | |
Christianity, Kagawa Toyohiko and China: A Global-Local Perspective | Peter Tze Ming Ng | 97 |
全球在地化視角——基督教、賀川芳彥及中國 | 吳梓明 | |
口述歷史 Oral History | ||
香港浸會大學前校董會主席——劉華森博士 | 李金強、郭嘉輝 | 104 |
The Former Chairman of the Council, Hong Kong Baptist University – Dr. Lau Wah Sum | Lee Kam Keung, Kwok Ka Fai | |
近代江南的漁民與信仰:以天主教為中心 | 佐藤仁史 | 107 |
Fishermen’s Beliefs and Modem Jiangnan: With Special Reference to the Catholic Church | Sato Yoshifumi | |
牧師傳 Biographical Sketch of a Pastor | ||
二十世紀初普世教會合一運動的傑出人物——誠靜怡 | 王曉靜 | 119 |
A Distinguished Figure of Christian Universalism in the Early Twentieth Century – Cheng Ching-yi | Wang Xiaojing | |
近代天主教神父雷鳴遠的傳奇人生 | 侯杰 | 131 |
The Legendary Life of Father Vincent Labbe (1877-1940) | Hou Jie | |
書評 Book Reviews | ||
書評:跨文化的宗教傳播——李曉晨的新著《近代河北鄉村天主教會研究》 | 李淨昉 | 141 |
Review of A Study of Catholic Church in Modern Hebei Village, by Li Xiaochen | Li Jing-fang | |
書評:黃彩蓮:《福音在南陲——浸信會與宣道會在廣西的傳教與事工(1862-1945)》 | 劉義章 | 144 |
Review of Gospel in Southern Borderland: The History of the Southern Baptist Convention and Christian & Missionary Alliance in Kwangsi,, by Kinia C. Ng | Lau Yee-cheung | |
Review of Christian Heretics in Late Imperial China: Christian Inculturation and State Control, 1720-1850, by Lars P. Laamann, | 方金平 | 146 |
書評:勞曼:《晚清之“邪道”基督宗教——基督教之本色化及國家控制 1720-1850)》 | Fong Kam Ping | |
書評:彭淑敏:《民國福建協和大學之研究:以師資和財務為例(1916-1949)》 | 王政文 | 149 |
A Study of Fukien Christian University during the Republican Period: With Special Reference to Its Teaching Faculties and Finance (1916-1949), by Pang Suk Man | Wang Cheng-Wen | |
Review of Musing with Confucius and Paul: Toward a Chinese Christian Theology, by Yeo, K.K | Jesse Ciccotti | 153 |
書評:楊克勤:《對孔子及保羅之默思:中國本色神學之建立》 | ||
Review of Globalization and the Making of Religious Modernity in China:Transnational Religions, Local Agents, and the Study of Religion, 1800 – Present,edited by Thomas Jansen, Thoralf Klein & Christian Meyer | Loretta Kim | 163 |
書評:詹生湯瑪士、克廉科爾姆、梅耶卡士頓:《全球化與中國宗教近代性的 跨形塑:國宗教、本地代理及宗教研究,1800年至今》 | 金由美 | |
編後語 Editorial Note | 166 |
Last updated: 10 August 2019