「當代中國研究剪報資料」主要是由友聯研究所搜集所得。剪報取材以 1950 至 1970 年代出版的中港台報章為主,兼及東南亞等 17 個國家及地區的報刊,約共 230 種中文報章及 40 種中文期刊。內容是 1950 年以來有關海峽兩岸的報刊新聞。除重點搜集中國大陸及台灣兩地的政治、社會、軍事、文化、教育等消息外,還旁及香港和海外華僑的動態。
香港浸會大學當代中國研究所於 2013 至 2014 年根據該批剪報資料編寫三冊專題索引,供研究者參考。香港浸會大學圖書館獲得研究所授權,將該三冊索引製作可供全文搜索的電子版,旨在方便讀者檢索。讀者如欲閱覽相關剪報內容,請親臨圖書館特藏及文獻組,或致電 3411 5937 查詢。
Contemporary China Research Clippings Collection was mainly the work of the Union Research Institute. The Institute collected clippings from approximately 230 Chinese language newspapers and 40 periodicals, published in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Southeast Asia, totally 17 countries or regions between 1950 and the 1970s. These clippings not only cover the political, socio-economic, military, cultural and educational development in China and Taiwan, but also important issues related to Hong Kong and overseas Chinese.
In 2013 and 2014, the Advanced Institute For Contemporary China Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University used the clippings to compile three indexes for researchers’ reference. With the consent from the Institute, the Library has created electronic version of these indexes to facilitate online full text searches. If you would like to read the full text of the corresponding clippings, please come to the Special Collections & Archives or contact us at 3411 5937.
Last updated: 14 April 2021