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《中華經典古籍庫》在綫培訓 Introduction to the Chinese Classic Ancient Books Database

11 Oct 2021, 3:30-4:30 pm

Online via Zoom

《中華經典古籍庫》在綫培訓 Introduction to the Chinese Classic Ancient Books Database


Note: This event will be conducted in Putonghua
註: 此工作坊以普通話進行

Facilitator: 穆荷怡女士 (中華書局)

CCL Status: Participants will receive a half credit for attending this Event

Note: In order to claim CCL credit, you must be online for at least 80% of the session (as recorded in the Zoom attendance report). Additionally, you must respond to a poll question that will be asked via Zoom at a random point during the session.