21 Oct 2021, 2:30-4:20 pm
Multipurpose Rooms, Academic Commons, Level 2, Main Library
Research Literature Management with Zotero
Managing research literature such as journal articles and book chapters effectively is essential for both undergraduates and postgraduate students. In this workshop, participants will consider the Research Literature Management (RLM) Cycle through which researchers collect, read, take notes on research literature which can be later searched and retrieved for writing academic essays and research articles. After critically reviewing their own RLM practices, the participants will explore how Zotero, an open-source computer tool, can facilitate the process of RLM. This heavily hands-on workshop expects all participants to install Zotero web connector in advance (https://www.zotero.org/download).
Facilitator: Dr. Simon Wang (Language Centre)
CCL Status: Participants will receive a full credit for attending this Event