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You may renew books that have not been requested by other users. Unlimited renewals may be made on materials from the General Collection. Other materials may be renewed up to the maximum loan length. You can renew your borrowed items online by logging into My Library Account, which contains information such as items checked out, items on hold, and due dates. 

To give extra convenience to our users, you can now renew overdue items online, except in the following situations:

has been requested by another user, or;
is a popular book / multimedia item that has been renewed up to the maximum loan length of 21 days, or;
is a HKALL item that has been renewed up to the maximum loan length of 45 days for HKBU undergraduate borrowers or 90 days for HKBU postgraduate / staff borrowers, or;
is a Course Reading, or;
in locations: Serials or Special Collections & Archives
has reached the fine ceiling of HK$150, or;
has long overdue books / fines, or;
has been marked: lost card, misconduct, or suspension

If there are fines involved due to late renewal after the grace period, you may settle the payment before you next visit the Library (Payment methods).

Last updated: 04 November 2024