Please note that the booking of Individual Study Rooms may be affected during noisy work periods.
Except for JULAC card and institutional card users, these rooms are available for booking by all users with physical access right to HKBU Library.
- Bookings should be done online.
- Reservations up to 2 hours.
- Users may book a room once a day and a maximum of three times per week.
- If you are 15 minutes late, your reservation will be forfeited and the room will become available for use on a first-come-first-served basis
Using the Rooms
- Individual use only, i.e. one person at a time.
- Users are not required to check-in before making use of the reserved rooms
- Users should return the room to its original state and leave at the end of their booking period.
- In the event of any dispute over the user of the rooms, the decision of the Library Staff on duty shall be final.
- The rooms (Room 504, 505, 506) are located in the Lower West Wing on Level 5.
Conduct of Users
- Keep the rooms neat and tidy.
- Valuables should not be left unattended in the rooms. Under no circumstances shall the Library be held responsible for any loss or damage to personal items.
- Items found unattended in the rooms may be removed without prior notice.
- The Library reserves the right to inspect the rooms even if they are in use.
- Users who violate the Library’s User Behaviour Policy could have their library privileges suspended.
For further enquiries, please contact the User Services Counter at 3411-7444 during service hours.
Last updated: 12 April 2024